Watch Everything in ONE Place!
Tired of having 5 different streaming services? We have all the best from Netflix, HBO-MAX, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc, etc, etc... and we've put them all in one place for you to enjoy!
An Amazing Streaming Experience
We've gone above and beyond to make your Saturday nights amazing again.

Why Choose Us
99,000+ Movies
We have over 99k+ Movies in our archive, with 30,000+ active immediately!
22,000+ Shows
And 22k+ Shows in our archive, with 2,500+ active right now!
14-Day Money Back
If you’re not happy with the service, get a full refund within 14 days. No questions asked!
Live Chat Customer Support
Quickly pop onto discord (chat) and get a human answer to any issue! I personally hate having to call a bot and hearing “Press #1 to choose…”
Client Testimonials

ZERO risk
About Us
We used to love Netflix. Everything we wanted to watch in ONE place. No ads, no changing channels, no cable bullshit.
But now all our shows (and even specific seasons!) are scattered across 5 or 6 different streaming services. Not only that, a bunch of them have ads now, and don’t even let us share passwords.
We decided to do something about it, and the PirateShip was born. I became the cptn and when friends and family saw how much easier it was, they wanted to join too. In the end, we’ve opened it up to you so that you can look forward to Saturday night TV again!