Watch Everything in ONE Place!

Tired of having 5 different streaming services? We have all the best from Netflix, HBO-MAX, Hulu, Amazon Prime, etc, etc, etc... and we've put them all in one place for you to enjoy!

An Amazing Streaming Experience

We've gone above and beyond to make your Saturday nights amazing again.

Client Testimonials

“The library is so diverse and massive. There is hardly any downtime and I hope we sail on this legendary pirateship for the years to come 🙂”
“With a vast library and friendly yet professional support, this is one of the providers I respect more. If you're looking for a serious provider without worrying about constant bans, I'd look no further. ”
"This works great to give dad, brother and girlfriend to use. Managing my own stuff for them is a headache, now I just grab only what I want locally and don't have to worry about managing space for others."

ZERO risk

Our 14-Day guarantee gives you a full refund, with no questions asked. There's zero risk to you!

About Us

We used to love Netflix. Everything we wanted to watch in ONE place. No ads, no changing channels, no cable bullshit.

But now all our shows (and even specific seasons!) are scattered across 5 or 6 different streaming services. Not only that, a bunch of them have ads now, and don’t even let us share passwords.

We decided to do something about it, and the PirateShip was born. I became the cptn and when friends and family saw how much easier it was, they wanted to join too. In the end, we’ve opened it up to you so that you can look forward to Saturday night TV again!